Eötvös József Kárpát-medencei középiskolai szónokverseny
Laczkó, Krisztina
Some thoughts on the teaching of text lingusitics
The book Text linguistics for Hungarian (Tolcsvai Nagy, G., 2001. A magyar nyelv szövegtana. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó) marks an important milestone in text linguistics research in Hungary. It discusses the basic questions of text linguistics from a new methodological perspective within a functional-cognitive framework. The aim of this study is to present aspects of the book that are relevant for teaching at secondary school. It summarizes the main features of the theoretical framework; it introduces the concepts text, textual world and perspective; it also discusses how the meaning structure of text is built up; it shows how Tolcsvai Nagy’s score model can be applied; it shows the relation between the dynamic model of communication and text linguistics; and it emphasizes the procedural / nature of text production and comprehension. The study is not a critical review of earlier approaches towards text, but it aims to stimulate cooperation between teachers and researchers instead.
Antalné Szabó, Ágnes
The visual system of Hungarian spelling
A primary task in teaching spelling is to teach learning methods that facilitate independent learning. The aim of this study is to introduce a first-language teaching procedure that helps to understand the Hungarian spelling system and memorize rules and examples by visual tools. It presents the principles and rules of Hungarian spelling in over fourty tables based on the eleventh edition of A magyar helyesírás szabályai (The rules of Hungarian spelling). One group of the tables is concerned with spelling operations that cannot be defined by rules, and supports memorizing examples. Another group is related to spelling operations that can be defined by rules: they summarize the content of the rules in a hierarchical structure built up of keywords, illustrate the steps of the rules in a float chart and show the interconnections between the rules in tables.
Szabó, Piroska
A neglected textbook
László Névy’s textbook Az írásművek elmélete (The theory of writings) was first published in 1870. This time was the emergence of a paradigm that treated stylistics and poetics as two sovereign disciplines. Névy’s textbook discusses stylistics and poetics within one rhetorical framework, as it stands at the beginning of this process. On the one hand the textbook is thus interesting from the perspective of the history of science, and on the other hand it is also important as a textbook on its own, as it has been published nine times in twenty-five years. The author follows a strict system. With his aim to provide unified definitions and interpretations, he strongly contributes to the renewal of the terminology of rhetorics. He always explains the rules through texts and readings while using a rich repertoire of examples and a large number of quotations in order to explain the abstract concepts to the students. His primary purpose is to teach students all the knowledge that enables them to produce pieces of writing and speeches on their own.
Boronkai, Dóra
How to enhance group cohesion through exercises that develop verbal skills
The history of humanity is the development of relations between various social strata and groups as well as the development of forms of communication. During his personal development, the individual becomes the member of more and more social groups. In this way groups play a mediating role between the individual and the society. Today there are a number of working modes among the organizational ways of learning where certain group activities can be applied efficiently in the complex development of various competences. This study first presents the sociopsychological interpretation of the notion of group. Then it provides a theoretical overview of the elements of group dynamics. The main aim of this study is to show how constant interaction and communication within groups can be used for the development of verbal competences. It does so by presenting an activity plan of four lessons that includes games for group forming and group building.
Lengyel, Zsuzsa
Applying / the theory of multiple intelligences for the teaching of spelling
This article is the introduction of a repository of ideas. The book under publication aims to enrich the methodology of teaching spelling by applying / the theory of multiple intelligences. It starts with introducing the theory by Howard Gardner (a professor of psychology and pedagogy at Harvard University) that has been successfully used all over the world. After that the author briefly introduces her own exercises. According to Gardner, there are eight types of intelligences that are distinguishable from one another. Traditional teaching is primarily based on the activities of the left hemisphere, i.e., the linguistic and logical-mathematical abilities, while it pays little attention to the activities of the right hemisphere, i.e., the visual, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. For successful learning and thinking, however, it is necessary to use and develop both hemispheres. The author has developed her methods and exercises for teaching spelling by implementing the theory of multiple intelligences with the hope that they will be enriched with ideas from the readers as well.