Eötvös József Kárpát-medencei középiskolai szónokverseny
Paksi, László
A life in the service of first language teaching –
from a rural school to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
József Zsolnai passed away in January 2011. The outstanding researcher and great pedagogue is one of the pioneers of the paradigm changes in subject pedagogy in the last decades of the twentieth century, and the father of the program Language, literature, and communication (Nyelvi, irodalmi és kommunikációs program, NYIK) and Value-based and competence-developing pedagogy (Értékközvetítő és képességfejlesztő pedagógia, ÉKP). The study gives an overview of József Zsolnai’s life and work from the beginning of the 1970’s until his death. It discusses the main principles and the content of the pedagogical programs related to his name. Then it lists shows József Zsolnai’s most important publications from the area of pedagogy, first language pedagogy and / teaching literature as well as science pedagogy.
Csákberényiné Tóth, Klára
The characteristics of creative writing in the fourth grade
Previous research has shown that there is a huge difference between experienced and inexperienced writers in the process and the product of their text production. The first two sections of the study, summarizes the results of composition research at national and international levels. It shows the role of social environment, motivation, working memory, long-term memory, and cognitive processes in the writing process of experienced and inexperienced 9-11-year-old pupils. In the third section, the study investigates the creative writing pieces of pupils in the fourth grade from five different places (a big city, two towns, and two villages). Their pieces of writing is analysed with respect to the relations among text production strategy, topic continuation, topic development, as well as macrostructure. In the light of the above, we might get a clearer picture of the characteristics of he text production of this age group.
Sólyom, Réka
Interpretation strategies of new words in various age groups
This study presents the results of a survey of new words. The survey has been carried out among primary school pupils, secondary school students, university students, and adults. The aim was to investigate to what extent respondents of various age groups know and use colloquial neologisms in Hungarian. The results of the questionnaire may provide evidence for how interpretation strategies might vary depending on age and the circumstances of the data collection. With respect to this, the interpretation strategies which language users develop for certain new words can be examined as well. The results may also reflect how the opinion of respondents of different age groups varies about the emergence and use of new words.
Barra, Mária
Speech development
The aim of this study is to give a guideline to practising teachers about speech development. The study with its interdisciplinary approach illustrates the topic with examples from medical sciences, psychology, social psychology, and communication studies. It provides the definition of speech, then it gives details about the connections between health and certain elements of speech, such as breathing and speech rhythm. Among the elements under investigation, in particular, it discusses diaphragmatic breathing. It explains why accurate sound production is not sufficient for high-quality speech production. It describes in detail what practices and methods are recommended for the development of certain elements of speech. It summarizes what the advantages and disadvantages of this activity are and why there is a need for development. Finally, it draws the attention of teachers to the possibilities of speech development and to all the responsibility related to it.
Gonda, Zsuzsa
Presenting printed and electronic texts on the interactive white board
Based on the modified and extended criteria for reading literacy in the PISA 2009 survey, this study deals with the possibilities of printed and electronic texts presented on the interactive white board. It provides details about the notion of printed and electronic texts, and introduces their most important characteristics. It illustrates the categories of medium, environment, and format for various text types. With the help of the interactive white board, it draws attention to the difference of information processing strategies of printed and electronic texts. The author illustrates the possibilities to develop the comprehension of these two sorts of texts with practical examples. It also shows how these texts can be presented and discussed by using the interactive white board in the classroom. In the summary, it emphasizes the possibility and necessity of developing first language competence together with information and communication technology competence (ICT).