3. 2011.

Abstracts in English


Koltay, Tibor

Questions and answer about new literacies


Our era is increasingly characterized by texts that appear on digital media. This influences native language skills and language pedagogy. Because of this, literacy can be defined in relation with new technologies, producing thus new literacies, all of which is characterized by the importance of critical thinking and reading. From these forms the oldest and best known one is information literacy, which received little attention in education. Digital literacy that embraces a number of literacies may be more successful, especially if we do not restrict its use to information technology. The most important question, related to new literacies is how language and literacy change, when due to the prevalence of new technologies and the popularity of new media, which uses Web 2.0 technology we express ourselves in mediated spaces.




Bartha, Krisztina

Reading habits of secondary school students in Nagyvárad


According to international and national surveys, the number of adolescents who like reading is decreasing. In our information society students take more and more distance from books and from certain cultural areas. At the same time, the efficiency of the use of multimedia devices is still so limited that students are not yet able to select what is the most useful for them from the flow of information. The study aims to find out how school type affects the reading habits of students; whether these habits are influenced by the social situation and education of the parents; what possibilities teachers, schools, library, and society have in order to preserve the value of reading. The questions have been investigated by using questionnaires filled in by Hungarian students (age: 15-17 years) in Nagyvárad.




Tóthné Szűcs, Éva

Reading habits of high school students in Nyíregyháza


This study introduces the reading habits and the book and library use of secondary school students in Nyíregyháza as well as their free time activities. It is based on a survey that has been carried out among 15–17-year-old students who have been socialized in virtual communities. The survey has confirmed the hypothesis that the demand on printed books is decreasing among students at vocational school, secondary vocational school, and secondary grammar school. Among leisure activities, reading literature stands at the last place, and reading information-oriented texts stands only slightly before that (in the penultimate place). Reading as an activity has become independent from any canons: new types of readers are emerging and new reading habits are developing. In order to raise the level of reading culture, education and the tailor-made development of text comprehension are essential.





Csákberényiné, Tóth Klára – Hajdu, Tünde

The oral text production of children at school entrance


International surveys on text comprehension have already shown that family background has a strong influence on how successful students are at school. Although underprivileged situation does not lead automatically to low performance, it has become clear that family background is one of the strongest factors. The study aims to provide the analysis of an activity which is not acquired by children at school, but its development is one of the basic tasks of school. This study compares the work of first-grade pupils from two settlements of different social statuses  on the basis of their verbal text production. As regards the content of the text, it investigates the features of characters, place, time, and events. Regarding the structure of the text, it investigates the presence or lack of macrostructural units. Finally, it provides exercises for the interactive white board to develop verbal text production competence.




Boda, Annamária

Teaching spelling to students with a dialectal background


This study investigates how to teach spelling to students from a dialectal background. It aims to answer the question to what extent spelling mistakes in the writing of students with a dialectal background originate in the dialect itself. According to the hypothesis, spelling mistakes with dialectal origin occur even in the writing of students from the region of Pápa, a region with little dialectal characteristics. The paper examines  the spelling of students within a corpus of student compositions collected from 3-12th grades. The study summarizes the dialectal characteristics of the region and of the language variety that students use, then shows their relation to spelling mistakes. Finally, it also provides spelling exercises for the interactive white board.




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