Eötvös József Kárpát-medencei középiskolai szónokverseny
Damásdi, Nóra – Krepsz, Valéria
Functional voice disorders in childhood
Voice disorders are a complex problem that includes the disorder of clear voice. The diversion from the right voice characteristics is often not noticed either by the child or the environment and a specialist is needed to recognize it. The aim of the present study is to investigate the voice quality of disphonic children with objective and subjective methods before and after therapy, during the automatization phase. In this research we analyzed the voice of four children with functional disphonia (average age: 6;3 years) by objective measures. This was followed by twenty non-expert respondents evaluating the voice quality of the children. The voice quality of three children improved after the therapy but in the case of the fourth child, two phonetic parameters showed deterioration. The evaluation of the respondents showed improvement for each child based on the clearness of the voice and they found the voice quality less disturbing after therapy. This research serves the better understanding of voice disorders in childhood.
Szabó, Veronika
Recommendations for teaching simple neutral sentences in upper primary school
This study introduces a new approach towards teaching syntax in upper primary school (grades 5-8) within an educational module. This module puts the emphasis on the development of cognitive abilities, builds upon syntactic operations appropriate for age characteristics instead of lexical knowledge and also incorporates elements of modern linguistic research into the curriculum. System stands in the focus of the first thematic block; its cross-curricular exercises can be used as a project. The second thematic block discusses the topic of simple neutral sentences, i.e., it deals with sentences without special emphasis and without additional meanings. This block links grammar to literature, to foreign languages, and to the development of communicative competences. The first part of the study summarizes the goals and the structure of the module as well as the theory underlying the curriculum and the second part provides recommendations for methodology and possible exercises.
Gelegonya-Katona, Ágnes
The knowledge of high school students on onomastics
The knowledge on onomastics is not explicitly included in the curriculum requirements, but the knowledge domain of Hungarian language and literature provides plenty of opportunities for its inclusion in the learning material. Moreover, due to the interdisciplinary character of onomastics, it is an excellent tool of subject integration. However, the onomastics knowledge of students is often rather insufficient. This study investigates the onomastics knowledge of students from an eight-grade secondary grammar school. The questionnaire survey focuses on the motivation of naming, name frequency, nicknames, and the attitude of students to their own names – besides the meaning and etymology of surnames and first names. The results show that half of the students do not have solid knowledge about their own names and that there are many students, mainly among girls, who demonstrate their knowledge of the world of names with extremely precise answers.
Major, Hajnalka
Teaching argument sources with cooperative methods
The aim of this study is to introduce the role of argument sources in the development of academic thinking. As a text comprehension strategy, they can help conscious and independent text analysis; in addition, they provide a thinking strategy and a language pattern to text production. An example of the first role is presenting the sources of external and special arguments in an excerpt of the analysed text (Dezső Kosztolányi: Édes Anna).With text comprehension exercises, students get from reproductive exercises through the collection of arguments to the composition of a complete argumentative text (e.g. chreia). Before these exercises, students learn and use elements of the argument within the Toulmin model for the analysis of advertisements. The study proposes exercise patterns to teach one of the most important bases of classical rhetoric by using the following cooperative methods that also develop social competence: Line up!; Double circles; Think-pair-share!; One stays, rest strays; Brainwriting; Learning speed duet.
Szabó, Ildikó – Szinger, Veronika
"ISIT”: Distance learning program in teachers’ professional development for cross curricular reading development
The aim of this study is to introduce the implementation of the international ISIT project in Hungary which is built on the curriculum of the BaCuLit teachers’ professional development program. This project drew attention to the importance of the cross curricular development of reading comprehension skills within a blended learning course by taking into account the theoretical and practical concept of a continuous professional development program. After introducing the aims, participants, and work phases of the ISIT project, this study summarizes the main conclusions of the project reports in which qualified trainers recorded the opportunities and obstacles of the implementation of the BaCuLit program and its incorporation into the structure of already existing teachers’ professional development programs.