Eötvös József Kárpát-medencei középiskolai szónokverseny
Lakatos, Péter
“Há’ Dikh má’ csáje! Ezt kell csinálni-e!?” Culture and language specific discourse markers in Romani
This study discusses the language use of a Romani-Hungarian bilingual community and, more specifically, it investigates the functions of Romani discourse markers. The analyses reveal that culture specific discourse markers in a narrow sense (shun mo’shun shej, dikh mo’ dikh shej) bear meanings that regulate the behavioural norms of the culture of the speech community in discourse but language users are easily able to transfer discourse markers into Hungarian in a flexible way and at the same time to keep most of their meanings. They mark informal relations in both languages. This study also provides examples of how abisti, avo, amaj, noroko language specific discourse markers always mark a mood by referring to an event or a meaning in discourse and introduce the given message in this way. By knowing their meanings, it is possible to define whether they express doubt, surprise, fear, or even disinterest without taking stress into account.
Sáfrányné Molnár, Mónika
Teachers’ verbal instructions in classroom discourse 2
There are many studies about the efficiency of teacher communication in a classroom context. Teacher-student interaction in the classroom is one of major elements of pedagogical practice at school. The study (published in three subsequent volumes of this journal) provides an analysis of teachers’ verbal instructions in a discourse analytical and functional linguistic framework, based on classroom research data. In particular, it focuses on the characteristics of teacher utterances giving instructions for tasks and teacher utterances with directive functions. The second part of the study investigates the grammatical features of teacher’s instructions. It deals in depth with the grammatical forms of the most frequent instruction verbs, the teacher’s instructions in infinitive clauses and sentence fragments. The database contains the video-recorded lessons of 8 teacher trainees and their transcripts segmented for the purpose of this study and done with the ELAN discourse annotation software. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the importance of consciously composed teachers’ instructions.
Szabó, Ágnes
The investigation of the word comprehension of secondary school students with hearing impairments
Pronunciation error is characteristic of the speech of people with hearing impairments and sometimes it is also accompanied with agrammaticality, poor vocabulary, and sentence and text comprehension difficulties. The verbal use of language presupposes the activation of the so-called mental lexicon – both in speech production and comprehension. The primary aim of this study is to explore to what extent the word comprehension of secondary school students with hearing impairments is delayed in comparison to that of their hearing peers of the same age. This research investigates the mental lexicon of hearing students and students with hearing impairments with a word comprehension test. Findings show that hearing impairment has an effect on speech process and that the word comprehension of students with hearing impairments lags behind their hearing peers. Age, however, does not always influence the activation of the vocabulary. The results of the research contribute to the understanding of the mental lexicon of secondary school students with hearing impairments and they also provide help to development experts.
Bokor, Julianna
The Deaf community and Hungarian sign language in first language classes
Linguistic research on the Deaf community and Hungarian sign language started in Hungary nearly 30 years ago. Nonetheless, there are still several misconceptions about this linguistic minority among the laymen. It is worth starting to brush away misconceptions as early as possible – and school provides an excellent scene for this. The present study introduces teaching materials where the target groups are students in grades 5-12 in majority elementary and secondary schools and also their teachers. The primary aims of this study are knowledge development, as well as the development of positive attitude towards the Deaf community in order to create social integration.
Antalné Szabó, Ágnes
Text-oriented approach in developing spelling
The study is examining the text-oriented approach as a pedagogical principle in spelling development. The topic is discussed in the light of school education on the one hand and that of the Zsigmond Simonyi spelling competition on the other. In accordance with the communicative approach students are supposed to work with a variety of text types. The first part of the study analyses the principles of the choice of the different spelling texts and their types. From among spelling exercises copying, recollection and dictation are dealt with in detail. The second part of the study concentrates on the emergence of the text-oriented approach and on the way dictation appears at the Simony competition. It suggests interactive reading comprehension tasks with the help of the dictation texts. The Appendix of the study offers a selection of the dictation texts of the competition.