
2024. április 15–19.

Egyetemi Anyanyelvi Napok

2024. április 20.

Eötvös József Kárpát-medencei középiskolai szónokverseny

2024. április 24. – május 3.

A magyar nyelv hete




Nemzeti Kulturális Alap

Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság

Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság Magyartanári Tagozat

Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Szakmódszertani Központ

Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár és Információs Központ

2. 2017.

Abstracts in English


Romanek, Péter Zalán

The language acquisition of the prelingual deaf – An outlook


Hungarian sign language is the primary language for the majority of the members of the deaf community in Hungary. This, however, is not reflected in the conditions of the early language acquisition of deaf children and of the everyday institutional practice of teaching/education. This study provides an overview of the terminological practice related to the notion of the signing/deaf community and the main characteristics of the community–considering that members of the signing community might be not only deaf but also hearing individuals. As a result of the diversity of this community, the acquisition of sign language as a first or second language is an existing phenomenon. This study, therefore, also discusses the neuro- and sociolinguistic background of bilingualism. Based on the international and the most recent Hungarian results within the framework of the project ‘JelEsély’, this study rethinks deaf education in Hungary.




Csaba, Mercédesz – Domján-Koncz, Eszter

Working memory and spelling


Learning and teaching spelling as a competence at school brings more and more challenge both for students and teachers. In the last few years, the number of students who have been exempted from evaluation and qualification has grown due to disorthography. In case the motivational background can be defined more precisely, the symptoms can be reduced with targeted therapy and children can become more successful learners. This study emphasizes the effect that cognitive competences and linguistic performance have on each other. It aims to answer the question what influence working memory has on spelling. The findings may contribute to the understanding of the background of competences acquisition at the school mentioned above, to the teaching and more successful application of spelling. It may also help the development of spelling, the therapy of disorthography, and rethinking speech therapy examinations.




Fülöp, Károly

The analysis of the structure of essays


There are more and more papers published on the challenges of teaching composition at school in Hungary but there is little research done on the text production performance of adults, including university students. The present study provides the analysis of essays about Hungarian language as the text products of university students. The hypotheses are based on international and Hungarian research carried out both in primary/secondary and higher education. The aim of the research is to find out the gender-specific characteristics of the length and structure of the texts. Another aim is to compare the text production performance of teacher training students studying in the fields of natural sciences, computer studies, and humanities. Research findings provide a base to investigate essay texts further from a new perspective. The conclusions based on the results can support the need for first language development at university-level as well.





Veszelszki, Ágnes – Veszelszkiné Huszárik, Ildikó

The lessons of a blended learning-type of education system


After presenting the definitions of blended learning (mixed-mode or combined learning), this case study introduces a program combining the advantages of online and offline teaching and mentoring, prepared for secondary school students in Hungary. Blended learning is a mixture of two historically very different teaching and learning methods. It is the combination of traditional, face-to-face teaching and distance learning, where computer-based technologies play an important role. Literature differentiates between four main types, based on the ratio of online and offline teaching: the Rotation model, the Flex model, the Self-Blend model, and the Enriched Virtual model. The analysis has been prepared based on the Secondary School Program of Mathias Corvinus Collegium. The analysis discusses the experience of developing teaching materials and that of mentoring, the views of the participants, with special attention to the development of language competences.




Boronkai, Dóra

Media – text – comprehension

New media in first language teaching


Relating to the renewal of the methodological culture of teachers, this study aims to introduce the opportunities of how to use new media. In the theoretical introduction, it discusses generational differences and provides a short overview of the interpretations of new media. Emphasizing the content-producing and content-organizing functions of new media, it introduces exercises that are suitable for learning various narration techniques. The aim is to provide ideas with a motivational force for first language teaching that are based on simple technologies. The self-made exercises are mainly related to media texts, many of them available online. Their common characteristics are playfulness, visuality, and creativity. They develop text comprehension and text production competences, the competence to jointly interpret visual and verbal information, and problem-solving thinking.




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